The Launching of the New Energy Movement

We recognize that the single most highly leveraged opportunity for advancement toward solving complex global problems lies in transforming the way human civilization generates and utilizes energy. New Energy Movement is focused on facilitating this transformation.
- New Energy Movement Mission Statement
The New Energy Movement is dedicated to gaining public support for research and development of new energy technologies that can be rapidly deployed in commercial and consumer markets. The movement was launched at a public forum in Portland, Oregon September 25-26, 2004, entitled "New Energy: The Courage to Change". The conference was dedicated to the memory of Dr.Eugene Mallove, a dedicated champion of new energy R&D, whose untimely death was mourned by all in attendance.

Three hundred people listened to and interacted with some of the field's most prominent advocates. Speakers included The New Energy Movement's founder Dr.Brian O'Leary, astrophysicist, new science pioneer and author of Miracle in the Void and Re-Inheriting the Earth; Jeane Manning, a leading new energy journalist and author of The Coming Energy Revolution; Dr. Tom Valone, Director of the Integrity Research Institute and author of seminal new energy books; Dr.Steven Greer, founder of both the Disclosure Project and Space Energy Access Systems (SEAS), a new energy R&D firm; Mark Comings, founder of Dynamis, a new energy R&D incubator firm, and a physicist with a gift for depicting converging trends in physics and mysticism.

The audience also heard from Martin Burger, CEO of Blue Power, on Tidal Power R&D; Win Lambertson, the inventor of the E-Dam device, on solid-state zero-point energy devices and Ken Rauen, a former research colleague of Eugene Mallove, on both water-borne fusion technologies and advanced thermodynamics.

While participants eagerly absorbed the latest information and insights provided by the major speakers, they also had a chance to enter their own comments and ask questions during two panel discussions, the first dealing with promises and obstacles and the second with how to make the transition to a sustainable economy, with a particular focus on the role of The New Energy Movement.

A highlight of the conference was the singing of Shawn Gallaway, a singer-songwriter, whose music helped to elevate and inspire the gathering, illustrating the power of that old/new form of energy called Love. His song "I Choose Love" easily won common endorsement as the anthem of the movement.

What is the importance of this movement and how is it likely to evolve in the future? The New Energy Movement was created because of the long-felt need of its leaders for citizen support to change the status quo and existing paradigm in the energy field. Because of the resistance of much of the scientific community, the indifference or even hostility of government and the press, new energy advancements are largely unknown and unsupported by the general public. And because of this, it is extremely difficult to get the funds needed for R&D from angel investors. These funds are critical for moving many promising devices from "proof of concept" to prototypes ready for production.

Something in the overall equation has to shift, and the one approach that has not yet been fully utilized is educating and mobilizing public support at the grassroots. If such support is built, it will make it more likely that investors will come on board or that innovative funding arrangements can be created. Moreover, in some scenarios of bringing out new energy devices public support will be an essential safeguard against possible suppression by hostile forces. Of course, once working devices are publicly demonstrated or go into production, market forces will become the most potent way to spread the new technologies widely.

The highlight of the two-day gathering was the energy and spirit displayed by conference participants. Participants eagerly absorbed the knowledge and inspiration passed on by the major speakers and panelists, and when it came time for them to ask questions or voice their views, many were eager to step to the mikes provided for that purpose. Also visible was enthusiastic informal networking. We plan to allow even more time for such networking at future meetings, using innovative ways to share networks and the results flowing from them in public sessions.

Cooperation among all parties interested in the new energy field is essential if progress is to be made. As was expressed by many the rise in consciousness required to bring such cooperation into being will come about simultaneously with development of the new devices and processes. As if to underscore this realization, many stepped forward to volunteer their services, filling out information giving us an idea of their interests, talents, skills and resources. Already it is clear we have the nucleus of what will be a growing movement for change.

As we raise the funds needed to put The New Energy Movement on a solid and stable footing, we will be able to spread information and guidance for expanding the movement to other parts of the United States and the world. We are beginning this effort by supporting chapters of The New Energy Movement now being set up in cities in the U.S, Canada, Ecuador, Costa Rica and South Africa.

The New Energy Movement's board and members are considering the best ways both to grow the movement and approach both the promise and obstacles to creating a free energy economy. How much attention should be put on reaching out to national leadership, both public and private, at a time when vested interests are so powerful and so resistant to new solutions? How much should we concentrate on building up the capacity of local communities to create a sustainable future, as larger societal structures become less and less able to meet human needs? How can we best help inventors be creative and productive? How can we use the internet to reach out to potential members in a way that mobilizes support rapidly and effectively? How do we create and support grass-roots New Energy Movement chapters? These are just of a few of the issues to be resolved as The New Energy Movement plants its roots and grows. We welcome input from all who want to participate.

As we at The New Energy Movement look toward the future, we hold fast to the words of Margaret Mead on the power of the few:

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

The following summaries of talks given by the major speakers have been drawn largely from those prepared by Susan Carter and T.Cullen of Pure Energy Systems News. Their summaries have been edited by me and include some new wording. The original versions can be found at the Pure Energy Systems website Audio and video tapes of the speakers' presentations, as well as transcripts, are available through

Dr.Brian O'Leary
Dr. Brian O'Leary could be described as author, astronaut, college professor or political energy advisor, but the best title to give him is iconoclast. Excommunicated from the priesthood of science for his study of New Energy, he is the founder of the New Energy Movement organization and was the opening speaker for their flagship conference in Portland, Oregon, Sept 26th and 27th. He also opened the second day of the meeting.

Starting out with the quote "Society honors its live conformists and dead troublemakers." Dr. O'Leary was visibly moved while honoring Gene Mallove, murdered in May. Mallove, a fearless and tireless champion of cold fusion and other new energy innovations, lived with full and fruitful awareness of the New Energy Movement's motto:

We recognize that the single most highly leveraged opportunity for advancement toward solving complex global problems lies in a transformation in the way human civilization generates and utilizes energy.

Dr. O'Leary, listing broad global challenges such as war, pollution and population growth, declared we must "muster the courage to change" and that the valid solutions to our gravest problems will arise out of a broad based social movement. Warming to his theme and true to his iconclastic nature he said, "We must dissolve the myths that hold us back as a civilization. There are NO laws in physics. There is NO Second Law of Thermodynamics. There are only theories, and the theories need to be changed to match the facts."

O'Leary went on to list other myths that must be done away with, such as, "If New Energy were real, we'd have it by now," and "We must await the commercial magic bullet". He challenged the oft-repeated assertion that "extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof", asserting "they need reasonable proofs like any other theory".

The major myth he wished to dissolve is that the US government is going to do the research and development needed to solve the energy problems. Quoting Bertrand Russell, he said, "The resistance to a new idea increases as the square of its importance."

Dr. O'Leary pointed out that the average citizen's trust in the free market to introduce energy solutions on a timely basis is unjustified. "The market hasn't done this, and it won't until the people clamor for it."

Dr. O'Leary was cheered as he threw down his final gauntlet, "Let's have a positive 'terra-ist' attack and let's planet together!" Brian O'Leary's fiery delivery and in-your-face attitude was a perfect opener for the New Energy Movement which dares to take on the biggest icon of all - the oil industry.

Opening the second day of the conference, Dr.O'Leary proclaimed the truism that if we keep going in the direction were going, we will get there. . Instead, we need to determine new goals and move towards a more conscious future. "To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men," he said, quoting Abraham Lincoln.

O'Leary stated that our goal is the introduction of "energy sources which are clean, affordable, decentralized, benign. feasible and reliable and that are accountable to the public." To reach that goal, he offered a number of social and personal action steps, which were a mix of science and spirituality. He advocated a Manifesto for Sustainability and a Global Green Democracy. Spiritually we need to recognize that the world is a reflection of our inner self, and until we clean up our own inner and outer spaces, the world will not be harmonious.

"We resonate with ZPE," he avowed, claiming that spoon bending experiments he has demonstrated show our influence on the biosphere. "Human intentions can influence the universe." Dr O'Leary pointed to additional evidence such as Cleve Baxter's experiments showing how plants respond to human thought and feeling, and Dr.Masaru Emoto's research on the hidden messages of water, which reveal the harmonic and orderly crystalline form of clean water and the deformed and disharmonic form of polluted water.

O'Leary acknowledged that there are environmentalists who will oppose powerful new energy technologies because they fear their use will lead to over-consumption instead of a more pristine environment. He held we need to bring this and other issues out in the open and have intelligent social and political debates about energy options.

Dr. O'Leary also suggested we adopt a broad, holistic Manifesto for Sustainability. "Together we need to create a new science of consciousness that includes quantum physics, parapsychology and alternative healing as well as zero-point energy research." Most of all, he claimed we need to get beyond materialism, reductionism and self-determination and consider the effect of all our thoughts and actions on the whole world.

O'Leary firmly stressed that the solution to our energy problems lies in social activism and joint advocacy along with altruistic and public funding from citizens. He advocated strength in numbers as a counter-weight to corporations that rape the planet for their own selfish gains.

Jeane Manning
Jeane Manning, New Energy Movement board member and author of The Coming Energy Revolution and Energie, said her goal was to make the New Energy field user friendly for the public.

She compared the clean-energy field to a continent with a great divide. On one side of the mountain are typical "renewables" from solar to wind, and on the other side is a vast uncharted territory called New Energy. The high ground between them is the point where explorers looking to the frontier glimpse an untapped Sea of Energy.

Manning said many new technologies are based on resonance. Walter Russell's scientific art such as "In the wave lies the secret" provides a visual reflection of this and other principles. Current technologies emphasize explosion reactions and heat, while New Energy emphasizes implosion and cool technologies.

Manning gave an overview of the many emerging technologies, showing many solutions to our fossil fuel addiction. Her presentation introduced:

Blacklight Power - Randell Mill's hydrino technology
Hydrogen on Demand - different ways to produce hydrogen that are less expensive and safer than current methods
Carbon Arc technology
Sonofusion - a method of using sound waves to create heat in a fuel-less furnace
Cold Fusion and Light Element Fusion - "while cold fusion was said to be buried back in 1989, it is still very much alive"
Exotic Vacuum Objects - research by Ken Shoulders with the goal of direct electrical output from ZPE. He intends to create ball lightning that can be harnessed to do work
New Heat Engines - in which table-top experiments turn conventional heat theory up-side-down
Resonance Amplifiers - many researchers, including Stan Meyer, have claimed excess energy through amplifying resonance effects, similar to a child on a swing using low-power nudges to amplify into big results. Xogen is one company Manning mentioned that gets energy from water resonance.
Electrostatic devices - can get energy directly from atmospheric charge
Aetheric Energy - which can be captured or accumulated
The E-Dam - made by Win Lambertson, another conference speaker who showed a device which is 153% efficient
Shape Power - special geometric shapes concentrate energy. Researchers' goal is obtaining useable power
Vortex Energy and Viktor Schauberger's work - devices which imitate nature's vortices and spirals, including very efficient pumps, twister pipes and wavy plate disks.
No-Fuel Steam Generators - which use a small amount of mechanical energy to generate excess heat
Spiraling Fluid Drives - by D. Hinrich are not overunity but do demonstrate Schauberger principles
Radiant Energy - a different kind of electricity discovered by Tesla and developed by Ed Grey, T. H. Moray, John Bedini and others, which meters can't yet detect. Today's fast electronic switching aids such approaches.
New Superconductors - such as those developed by Mark Goldes
Solid State Devices of various kinds - including new advances by John Hutchison which he says produce 1.3 volts per centimeter
Lifter Technology - like those promoted by Tim Ventura and JLN labs
Manning acknowledged the suppression of these new forms of energy, yet she rallied the crowd and gave them hope in her final slide: two simple light switches, one turned off and one turned on. "Let's turn off the power of corruption and turn on the power of people," she pleaded. Manning proclaimed that en masse, people, unafraid of new technology, can start using "small-is-beautiful" technologies and save the world. Her overview of the field made it possible to believe that people really can do just that.
Dr. Tom Valone
Tom Valone, President of Integrity Research Institute (IRI), was a powerhouse of knowledge and facts and gave a thorough overview of where we are currently at with energy needs and where we could go in the future to meet those needs.

His first blockbuster fact caught the audience's attention immediately; 85% of energy today comes from the combustion of dead fossils, forcing the world's atmosphere to overheat. We are likely seeing the results of global warming in our weather such as the four hurricanes in Florida experienced in 2004.

Valone commented that Hubbard's Peak - the peak of oil production - is right on the projected mark for the US. Most alarming is that the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is at three hundred parts per million (ppm), the highest it has been in 400,000 years and may reach six hundred ppm by 2050.

Further evidence of global warming are the liquid lakes at the North Pole. The ice cap is rapidly disappearing, which effects the reflected solar radiation, causing other global weather changes. Valone warned ominously that a sixth to eighty percent reduction in carbon emissions is required to stop global warming.

The most frustrating fact of all, he stated, was that two thirds of all the electricity produced in the US is wasted.

Integrity Research Institute (IRI) is researching the following energy solutions: 1) Atmospheric electricity, 2) Nuclear, 3) Quantum vacuum zero point, 4) Space propulsion energy, 5) Magnetic motors.

Atmospheric Electricity
Ben Franklin almost had it clear back in the 1700's. Electrostatic motors have been known about since the beginning of this country. One motor has been operating for eighty-six years and counting. Reference was made to the American Journal of Physics, 1971, pg. 778, regarding the 200 Gigawatt potential in the atmosphere.

The most promising technology has been known about nearly one hundred years: Tesla's Wardencliff tower and scalar waves. Valone has researchers that have analyzed every part and verified each component of Tesla's system to broadcast power worldwide. IRI is currently working to rebuild a Wardencliff tower.

Nuclear power is about more than just nuclear power plants. Valone told the The New Energy Movement audience about nuclear batteries and the work by Betavoltaics and Nuclear Solutions, (see "The Daintiest Dynamos", IEEE Spectrum, September,1004, p.36.

A very promising development of Paul Brown's is the photo-remediation of nuclear waste, using low energy gamma rays to transmute it to short-lived isotopes). Furthermore, he mentioned Paul Brown's patents for extracting energy safely from radioactive materials without nuclear power plants The studies in this field are showing one Megawatt in produces twenty Megawatts out. Valone reported that advances in this field have confirmed Brown's predictions. Recently, "Laser-driven photo-transmutation of I-129 - a long-lived nuclear waste product" was achieved with a table-top intense gamma ray laser, with accelerating gradients of 1000 times higher than conventional technology that Brown proposed. The 15 million year half life parent isotope was transmuted to a 25-minute daughter isotope I-128. The four-page article from J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36, L79, 2003 is a free download from the UK Institute of Physics, , and well worth reading.

Proton - Boron fusion was mentioned, where a high-voltage reaction with decaborane produces four Helium in the form of alpha particles with no neutron radioactivity. Dense plasma is focused in a unique device which produces the 1 billion degrees (100 keV) necessary to make Hydrogen and Boron-11 fuse together into Helium without high energy neutrons being released. A garage-sized fusion reactor would produce energy at three times the output of the Tokamak Reactor, with its old-fashioned deuterium confinement method. (See for more information).

Quantum Vacuum Zero Point
Valone next spoke about the controversial quantum vacuum and zero point energy, pointing out that zero-point energy is NOT conserved. The energy density of zero-point energy is debatable but the quantum vacuum is the ultimate open system.

Many areas in this field are being studied: the Casimir Force, electron-positron production, electron charge cluster technology, toroidal fields, solid state diodes, and other devices. Electron charge clusters are showing nine times over unity. Electric Arc Discharge Accelerators also have more potential energy out than electrical energy in. We may someday rectify thermo-electric noise with diode circuits

On the positive side of this debate, over unity (and its synonyms) are being mentioned in mainstream literature. Dr. Peter Graneau is getting 150% efficiency outputs and flaunts the overunity claim in a peer-reviewed journal: "Arc-liberated chemical energy exceeds electrical input energy" (J. Plasma Physics, 2003, Vol. 63, Part 2, p.115). Pinto actually mentioned "free energy" in his article published in Physical Review Rev. B, 60 21, 1999 p. 4457. He uses micro lasers which affect the dielectric constant of nanosurfaces to get huge improvements in the Casimir force (yielding a projected one kilowatt per meter squared).

Valone further mentioned that Feigel is the first physicist to use ZPE to satisfy energy conservation. Alexander Feigel proved that virtual particles can be induced to travel in a preferred direction and transfer momentum, if they are in an electric field of at least 100 kV and a perpendicular magnetic field of 17 Tesla (10 kG), thus proving that the ZPF can cause motion of a dielectric fluid of 50 nm/sec (Feigel, A. "Quantum vacuum contribution to the momentum of dielectric media." Physical Review Letters, Vol. 92, p. 020404, 2004). Interestingly, the March 2004 issue of Aviation Week magazine was cited since it has an article called "To the Stars" that refers to zero point energy as the only possible power for future space travel.

Space Propulsion Energy discusses a hydrodynamic model of vehicle interactions with zero-point energy which it loses its drag as the vehicle flies in a medium such as outer space whose temperature approaches absolute zero. Valone described the works of Paul H. Hill on inertial control, and how the apparent 90 degree right hand turns by UFOs can be explained with knowledge of classical physics and inertia. A discussion on space propulsion energy would not be complete without discussing the gravity work of T.T. Brown and John Searl (Valone is the author of a book on T.T. Brown called Electrogravitics Systems).

Valone briefly mentioned his own past work on homopolar generators, and its connection to the current work by Roshchin and Godin ( He reminded the group that the Roshchin and Godin machine produces a seven-degree drop in temperature in the area around the electrical generator as it operates, suggesting an unusual fulfillment of an energy conservation modality.

Magnetic Motors
Valone is currently most interested in a magnetic motor design by South African, Mike Brady. Because he could not find any patent information, he said he supposed the design is public domain. (See for more information about Mike Brady). Valone hopes to have his own replication of this motor done within a few months.

Other magnetic motor designs were covered such as the Hartman Patent #4,215,330, a Spiral Magnetic Motor and a flywheel vehicle power project. He referred to the June 1979 issue of Popular Science which shows the original design of a spiral magnetic motor by the Kure Tekko company.

All of the magnetic motor designs presented work on the principle of a "magnetic gradient" which Valone said is the one gradient that has been ignored for energy transduction. Temperature, voltage, gravity, pressure, and chemical gradients, for example, have all been historically exploited for human power applications.

Tom Valone concluded by making the point that there is no reason to depend so heavily on fossil fuels; from Franklin to Tesla we have had all the technology we needed. With new energy inventions there are even fewer excuses to continue in our old, 20th century habits. The travesty is that global warming, and its associated effects that we are now experiencing, has largely been unnecessary.

Dr.Steven Greer
Dr. Steven Greer presented a high-powered, emotional presentation of the suppression of New Energy and the forces to reckon with as oil is supplanted by cleaner and cheaper technology. He claimed that before the end of World War II, we had technologies to eliminate the need for all fossil fuels. Since 1955, with the emergence of antigravity technologies, we would have had no need for roads by now, but that technology has been sequestered in highly secret, compartmentalized black budget projects

What we as a people are doing is a crime against nature, Dr.Greer stated flatly, and he warned of the consequences of doing nothing. He lamented that we have become a nation of passive cows that want to be fed while the world is falling apart. While discussing the people in power who are fighting disclosure of the available technologies, he concluded by saying that about 50% of those in in the upper realms of power are now favoring disclosure.

Dr.Greer said the world situation is all about centralized power and who is in the captain's seat running it. Certain people are addicted to power and are dragging the earth down with them. It is our responsibility to help them get over their addiction.

Dr. Greer, founder and CEO of Space Energy Access Systems, Inc. (SEAS), outlined the methodology he is using to unveil technologies and declared its kingpin to be public disclosure. He asserted repeatedly that his powerful contacts and black ops connections protect his team and inventors, but that his greatest insurance is the public.

Greer entertained, cajoled, chastised and enlivened the crowd with his stories of CIA intrigue and power structure threats. He warned that "they" will continue to threaten and intimidate until the public stands up to their machinations. He offered his organization to inventors as a safety net in a vast minefield.

He said there are four categories of unfruitful technology/inventors: 1) frauds, 2) people who have things in the early development stage, 3) people with inventor's paranoia or think the world isn't ready for it yet, and 4) people who took the $10 Million buyout thereby burying their technology.

"We can't keep letting old inventors take their inventions to the grave," Greer declared.

Greer began the quest for a workable new energy technology following 911. He spoke of difficulties cropping up with every new and promising technology. Obstacles aside, he claimed that SEAS is poised to be a corporate leader in the new energy field.

With 313 billionaires now in the world, the problem is not finding money to support the development of these technologies. The problem is finding a real technology and an inventor willing to trust his or her invention to a cooperative team effort.

Mark Comings
Mark Comings, a physicist, inventor and theorist, says we don't have an energy shortage, we have an integrity shortage. What we need is the will and courage to embrace and adopt plentiful, non-polluting energy sources that currently exist and move forward integrating these existing new systems into our existing infrastructure. We also need to accelerate our efforts to bring new highly efficient innovations into the marketplace. The enormity of the ambient energy that presently exists and is circulating throughout the environment of the planet in the form of Solar, Wind, Tidal and Heat etc. is such that these forms of energy alone could easily supply all of humanity's energy needs if intelligently utilized.

"The scientific community is aware of the Biospheric crisis, but the media are not doing enough to communicate the actual nature and severity of the ecological crisis to the people," Comings asserted. "The media is like an dysfunctional nervous system that is not accurately reporting what is actually going in the body of the Earth to the human cells of that very body". "The Biosphere is a singular and unitary life form; a macro-organism of which humanity is but a small part. Other species are not destroying and desecrating the Biosphere; humanity is unique in its destructive capacity." "We as humans are responsible to develop an energy generating infrastructure that is sustainable and harmonious with the biosphere in the long term". He added pointedly that corporations that only look out only for their bottom line of quarterly profits function like cancer tumors in the body of humanity and the body of the Earth. The corporate hegemony has metastasized, and it is up to all of us to stop its cancerous growth and redesign how corporations operate. After all, corporations are simply groups of humans operating according to certain programs and protocols. By changing these protocols and re-envisioning how corporations can operate with a primary recognition that fundamentally they are part of the Biosphere and must give back to the living fabric that they, and all life, ultimately depends upon. We can then begin to see corporations actually having a positive and even regenerative impact on the Earth's ecology.

"The vacuum of space is anything but a vacuum," he said. "It is enormously dense with geometrodynamic potential which is dynamically imbedded in the very fabric of space". John Wheeler postulates that space has an energy density of 10 to the 94th power grams per cubic centimeter. To call space a "vacuum" or the "quantum vacuum" is a misnomer because everything that we know about space indicates that it is not empty. It is not a vacuum but rather a plenum - an absolute fullness, characterized by nearly infinite energy density and boundless luminosity. Space is literally efflorescing with virtual photons and electron-positron pair production. It is not dead, empty or inert but radiant and shimmering with energetic potential.

We need to re-envision the foundations of physics. Our fundamental concepts of Space, Time, Light, Mass, Force etc are limited and are in the process of being dramatically re-visioned. "The so-called laws of physics are special case limits of reality; they are maps which do not necessarily fully represent the actual nature of the territory" .

The best science taking place at the leading edge of fundamental physics tells us that the fabric of reality is made of pure infinite potential and that energetic scarcity is a lie. Scarcity is therefore a false mental fiction. However, when it is believed and operated out of as a working assumption, it propagates and fulfills that expectation, thus creating an outer semblance of scarcity (through the behaviors of hoarding, centralized control and selling of energy). Thus, the false premise of scarcity is justified and reinforced, creating a vicious cycle that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Energetic scarcity is a fear-based human mental construct that has informed and continues to inform and impoverish the very structure of our social, political and economic systems thus impoverishing our collective psychological condition along with them.

All mass and matter arises dynamically out of this plenum of infinite potentiality and yet is paradoxically utterly continuous with, and is in fact a dynamic expression of, this plenum. This all pervading continuum or unified field has the features and qualities of what indigenous people called the Great Spirit. The infinite potential of the plenum is our potential. We are one with the quantum plenum!

Our bodies are piezo-electric bio-crystals, resonant transducers of living light and life force. We have the potential to increasingly become the human bio-crystalline technology of love and abundance. We can thereby learn to live in-phase and in resonant harmony with each other without fear, and the fear based projections that create unnecessary limitation and lack. We have unlimited access to the radiant field of consciousness which is infinite active universal intelligence, We all have direct and immediate access to that field which has been referenced by the spiritual traditions as the Divine Being.

"There is more to light than meets the eye. We need to articulate a deeper understanding of light which will engender a deeper understanding of ourselves and the nature of reality." "Maxwell's equations are not actually Maxwell's; they are a truncated and simplified vector form created by Heaviside and Gibbs for engineers. This form leaves out an entire oscillatory component of light, the longitudinal component." Comings declared. " It is quite significant as well as symbolic that twentieth century physics has been operating on a truncated and incomplete model of light. Light has more to it than we have generally suspected, Light is not just electro-magnetic."

Science been involved in a kind of Electromagnetic reductionism that does not do justice to the fullness of light. We must go into higher dimensions to better understand the nature of light. These greater dimensions of light have been described by the mystics of all traditions as the inner light, love, spirit, and consciousness. It is necessary to be take seriously this higher light in order to bring forth a clear and mathematically rigorous spiritual scientific synthesis. Such a synthesis would do a lot more than provide us new sources of energy - although it will do that as well. It will enable us to heal a deep epistemological and psycho-spiritual split in our culture that has crippled the unfoldment of our greater human potential, individually and collectively for centuries.

A new physics of light can provide the basis for a spirit based science that will help move us into new new degrees of awareness and cooperation . The us vs.them paradigm is a bankrupt old notion that only polarizes and weakens our effectiveness . We must develop a new disposition relative to our planetary predicament that transcends the polarization that has characterized our efforts to change in the past. We need to develop inclusive strategies for conversion to a clean and sustainable infrastructure that involves everyone. Even if some people and corporations are greedy and misguided, we need to acknowledge that we are all rowing together in the same planetary lifeboat and must focus on ways to engender cooperation and collaboration in the vast project of converting and re-designing our energy infrastructure to be non-polluting and sustainable. This is an enormous job and there is a place for everyone to help and participate in bringing about the necessary changes.

Many of the problems we face in this movement are rooted in the interpersonal sphere. Our human dissonance needs to dissolve. We need to wake up from the lies we tell ourselves and take a fearless moral inventory of our own lives. We need to be courageous enough to self-reflect and work on our own issues and unconscious patterns.

This nascent movement needs to learn to come into phase and really co-operate together. We are not separate; we are expressions of the unified field. We don't have an energy shortage. We have an integrity shortage. We have a love and compassion shortage. We need to be the change we want to see in this world. We need to be the human technology of love and abundance expressed in our very way of being in relationship with each other before we will be able to build an external technological infrastructure that generates and supports any kind of real shared collective abundance.

We must also re-design the monetary system and create a just economy to reflect the values of an emerging sustainable and bio-regionally distributed energy system. We need to realize that we are in the process of envisioning and designing a completely new kind of society, A new form of planetary civilization is beginning to emerge based upon an entirely new set of values. The commitment to generating all of our electricity in clean and sustainable ways symbolizes a new human covenant with the Earth. We need to build new living communities that are local in their economies and their energy infrastructure. We are beginning to see the emergence of a distributed model of power sharing and power distribution that is more like the internet than centralized power distribution form utilities. Distributed power is the new paradigm. We are literally creating an energy internet that can upload and download power into the grid making decentralized power a natural feature of the new energy infrastructure.

We are living in economic slavery. We need to regenerate and rebuild an economic democracy which, as Thomas Jefferson warned, is crucial for helping us maintain our liberty. If we allow the form of our economy to be dictated to us rather than decided by the collective will of the people, we give up our power over our own destiny and invite tyranny. That is exactly what we have now, an economic dictatorship that is corrupt in the extreme.

It is no wonder that we are having difficulty growing a new just and sustainable energy infrastructure when the underlying economic soil, so to speak, is so rotten and leached of vital nutrients. The power to redesign the architecture of the economy is something that we need to take back into our own hands. A good example of what I am speaking about is articulated in the Solari Model of bioregional place-based economics. See as well as for more on this critical economic factor.

Stephen Kaplan
November 2004