An Insider Novel of Nuclear Power...


An Insider Novel of Nuclear Power.
A techno-thriller about a nuclear power plant, written by an engineer with over twenty years of experience in the American nuclear industry.

“I'd like to see Rad Decision widely read.”
Stewart Brand,
Co-founder of The Global Business Network,
Creator of The Whole Earth Catalog, noted Futurist

38 episodes.

Fifteen minutes reading time per episode.

All episodes available.

PDF file available.

Rad Decision tells the story of the people and machinery that make up a nuclear power plant, and the dark tale of a man who believes it is his destiny to destroy it. Written by a long-time engineer in the American nuclear industry, the novel includes an overview of how electricity is made and a step-by-step, inside look at how a nuclear plant operates - - from its equipment to its people to the politics and money behind it. The health effects of radiation and the events at Chernobyl and TMI are also discussed. Soon, the reader plunges into a nuclear accident in the making. While Rad Decision is written for the lay reader who is concerned about nuclear energy, the more technically-inclined will also find plenty of satisfying detail. But first and foremost, Rad Decision is an enjoyable thriller.

No nuclear insider has ever told this story before - - there is simply no book on the market like Rad Decision. (And its free to readers.) Here’s a way to learn about energy issues in general -- and nuclear power in particular -- and be entertained at the same time. Read Stewart Brand’s controversial article discussing nuclear power

in the May 2005 Technology Review: